Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Donna's rooms get a facelift! (Back in March! I'm slow here!)

This is really far behind but I forgot about it till I saw the pics on the computer today!
Preparing their bedroom to paint
Mom started in the closet - I started on the ceiling
The bedroom things got put in the living room!
Their bedroom with the new flooring in and the walls painted!
I helped Mom with the painting and Bryan put the beautiful floors in!
The pretty bathroom all done!
The guest bedroom - my old room - is so warm feeling with it's newly painted golden yellow walls and the wood laminate flooring!
A broader view of the guest bedroom
Then a broad view of their beautiful bedroom as it is all put back together!
Oops! Didn't mean to have this one again! But, it was a job that felt good to get done because the results were so nice!
Then lastly we have the computer room - or Sonja's old room!
It got it's walls painted pretty dark, but it looks great! It also got the wood laminate flooring like the other 2 bedrooms!
Well, that's all for now about the paint & renovations at Mom's house!

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